Looking outside at all the ice and snow, I began to consider the unlimited potential in a piece of ice. Water can change its state of being from a solid piece of ice to a liquid or a gas. So much potential - held static in place - in a simple piece of ice.
I wonder about the extent of the untapped potential that lays dormant, frozen, inside each of us. What would our lives be like if we could thaw out these previous undeveloped or unexplored areas of life? I’ve taken this self-exploration to heart - figuratively and literally - during this month of Valentine’s Day, when the focus is on love and passion. Are areas within my heart center frozen due to neglect, trauma, abandonment, or simple avoidance? How would my life be different if I could more easily access the frozen attributes within me?
This journey will be different for everyone, but we can identify, acknowledge, and melt our internal resistance to embracing these areas of life with a bit of curiosity and self-compassion. By taking steps to melt our hearts towards these topics, we can live fuller, richer, more satisfying lives.
I developed a powerful practice inspired by combining the theme of Valentine’s Day with the concept of unfreezing unlimited potential held within our heart centers.
Spend some time in meditation, focusing on your heart center. Notice random thoughts, ideas, and memories that cause your heart to feel closed off/tightened, or restricted. It’s essential to approach this practice without judgment or any expectations.
Just by bringing your awareness to these “frozen” areas, you can begin the thawing process. Still, there are many ways to strengthen your connection to these aspects you may have previously avoided or neglected.
If you want to exponentially increase your ability to access these areas of your heart, consider actively engaging in playful and fun activities that embrace the qualifies that you’d like to cultivate.
Heart Expanding Activities
Write an intention statement to deepen your connection with this area of life or personal attribute.
Create a “Love Vision Board” containing pictures that spark interest or creativity concerning this area of life.
Write a love letter to this area of your life.
Write a gratitude letter for the lessons you are learning (or want to learn) about this part of your life.
Design a positive affirmation that you can repeat daily, invoking the qualities that you exhibit in your life.
Spending time in self-reflection and then taking positive steps based on the intention of personal growth is the recipe for a radical transformation of both your inner and outer worlds.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help support you as you walk your unique path.
Much love,