Autumn Alignment- Letting Go

The season of autumn is in full swing.  The leaves are changing and there is a nip in the air. This season of transformation begins with the Autumn Equinox (Monday, September 23) and will last through the Winter Solstice (Saturday, December 21).  This time of year we are adjusting to the yin (dark, quiet, deep, internal, hidden, feminine) energies of the fall and winter seasons.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Metal Element represents the Autumn season featuring the qualities of separation, elimination, and connection with our core essence. There are true gems to be found by aligning with the cyclical energy patterns of the seasons.

How to connect with the season of Autumn?

In what ways can you let go of what is stagnant, stale, ineffective, or out-dated?

  • Purge your closet. 

  • Drink plenty of water which helps combat the dryness of the season.

  • Spend time journaling and exploring your inner realms.

  • Try a yin yoga class. (Personal favorite of mine!)

For more ways to connect with the Metal Element and the season of autumn, explore the additional options below.

Crystal Connection:

Hematite: Connects us to the grounding energy of the earth’s core while assisting with the release of emotional pain. Perfect to balance the emotion of grief that may accompany the autumn season.

Essential Oil Connection:

Violet:  Supports releasing deep emotions and trauma from the energetic field and emotional body.  Consider blending with lemon to add positivity and up-beat energy.

Mantra Connection:

Mantras are words or phrases that are repeated silently or out-loud to obtain a result.

To encourage a peaceful state of mind during the autumn season, chant “Om Shanti Om” pronounced AUM SHAHN-TEE AUM. Shanti means peace in Sanskrit.

I suggest repeating this mantra 108 times (the number of beads on a mala) or for a set period of time - 5 or 10 minutes.

Mudra Connection:

Mudra is a Sanskrit word most often translated as “seal”.  There are many different types of mudras but the most common ones are hand gestures which stimulate certain areas of the brain.  I like to think of mudras as yoga for your hands.

How to practice this Ksepana Mudra for letting go:

  1. Begin with your elbows bent, hands at heart level, palms facing each other.

  2. Clasp your hands together. For women, the left thumb should be above the right. For men, the right thumb should rest above the left.

  3. Straighten the index fingers, pressing the pads of the fingers together.

  4. Angle your wrists to point the index fingers down.

  5. Breathe slowly and evenly.

  6. Allow eyes to close or have a soft gaze.

Benefits of this mudra include the following:

  • Flushes away toxins and waste from the body.

  • Assists digestion.

  • Helps remove negative thoughts and emotions.

  • Promotes positive thinking.

This Mudra can be practiced for up 15 minutes at a time while sitting. 

For more information or additional ways I can help you connect to the Metal element, reach out to me at